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The construction environment of epoxy floor paint coating refers to the construction site environment, including the amount of ground water content, air humidity, temperature and other construction conditions are allowed. Construction environment plays an important role in the coating of epoxy floor paint, which has great influence on the drying time and film forming quality of epoxy floor paint, as well as the viscosity and quality of floor paint. Secondly, illumination is also one of the important factors affecting the painting effect of floor paint. Floor paint should be protected from sun exposure during storage and transportation, and direct sunlight should be prevented during construction. Especially in hot and high temperature summer, the surface temperature of the coated floor paint under direct sunlight is too high, which will make its dehydration or solvent removal speed too fast, so that the effect of film formation is not good, thus seriously affecting the quality of the floor paint coating. It even produces color aberration. 

施工时要保证地坪漆施工现场的通风,但风力又不能过大。这是因为风力过大会分别加速地坪漆涂料 中溶剂和水分的蒸发,使地坪漆涂料成膜不佳;此外还会降低空气的洁净度,使地坪漆涂膜沾上杂质,影响美观。所以,当风力级别>4级的大风天气,应适当停止地坪漆涂料的施工。

During construction, the ventilation of floor paint construction site should be ensured, but the wind force should not be too large. This is because excessive wind speed up the evaporation of solvent and water in floor paint, which makes the film formation of floor paint poor. In addition, it will reduce the cleanliness of the air, make the floor paint film contaminated with impurities, and affect the beauty. Therefore, when the wind level is higher than 4, the application of floor paint should be stopped appropriately.

同时,也应考虑污染物质的影响。施工现场周围环境中,如有工厂或汽车排出的大量的废气,如SO2,H2S等腐蚀性气体,以及周 围环境中产生飞扬的灰尘,都将对涂料的施工质量造成影响。因此当发现施工现场有特殊的气味或飞扬的尘土,应暂停施工,当发现污染物质已经沽污部分涂层,应及时清洗干净。

At the same time, the influence of pollutants should also be considered. In the surrounding environment of the construction site, if there is a large amount of waste gas discharged from factories or automobiles, such as SO2, H2S and other corrosive gases, as well as flying dust in the surrounding environment, it will affect the construction quality of the paint. Therefore, when it is found that there is a special odor or flying dust in the construction site, construction should be suspended. When it is found that the contaminants have already polluted part of the coating, it should be cleaned in time.


To sum up, in order to ensure the quality of epoxy floor paint painting and prolong the service life of epoxy floor paint, it is better to choose sunny days for outdoor construction. Construction should be avoided when the ambient temperature of the construction site is below 5 C, heavy rain, wind and sand, thick fog and other weather conditions.


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