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当前位置:首页 > 技术知识 > 环氧地坪漆施工后为什么会出现【针孔】现象?


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The epoxy floor paint can not be replenished due to the rapid volatilization of solvent after coating, thus forming many round holes, small circles or needle-like holes like leather pores. Paints with low pigments and varnishes sprayed and rolled are prone to pinhole defects. The diameter of the pinhole is usually very small, about 100 microns, and the largest is a few millimeters, forming a conical or hemispherical shape. Reasons for pinholes in epoxy floor paint after construction: 1、环氧地坪漆涂料施工黏度过大,施工场所温度较低,使用涂料搅拌后由于停置的时间过短,仍有残存的气泡,

1. The construction viscosity of epoxy floor paint is too high and the temperature of the construction site is low. After mixing with the paint, there are still remaining bubbles due to the short stopping time.


2. The improper matching of solvents and the excessive use of volatile solvents at low boiling point result in the rapid drying of the film surface, while the solvent at the bottom should not escape.


3. There is moisture in epoxy floor paint, dust in the air, sweating and oil pollution on the construction floor.


4. In spraying construction, the pressure of spray gun is too large, the diameter of spray nozzle is too small, and the distance between spray gun and object surface is too far.


5. The ambient temperature of construction site is too high, and the temperature of coating or construction ground is too high.


6. Epoxy floor paint has poor leveling property and poor releasing bubbles.


Methods to prevent pinholes from occurring after construction of epoxy floor paint:


A. The construction viscosity of epoxy floor paint should not be too high and the temperature of construction site should not be too low. After mixing the paint, it should be placed for a period of time before the bubbles run away.


B. Attention should be paid to the mixing of solvents and the amount of solvents with low boiling point should be controlled.


C. Moisture and dust in the paint should be removed before costruction to ensure that the surface of the coating should be cleaned before construction.


D. The technology of spraying should be mastered well.


E. Attention should be paid to the environmental huidity of the construction site and the temperature of the surface of the coating should not be higher than that of the environment at the time of construction.


F. Adjust the formulation of paint.


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