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当前位置:首页 > 技术知识 > 那些因素导致环氧地坪漆涂层大面积脱落?怎么预防


返回列表 来源: 浏览:299 发布日期:2019-06-26 10:58:37


The service life of epoxy floor paint is generally 5-15 years, but a lot of epoxy floor paint only use 2-3 years, or even shorter time, the large area of coating fall off. What's the reason? The large area of epoxy floor paint coating fall off into two situations: a. The interface between epoxy floor paint and concrete base is destroyed, which shows that the large area of epoxy coating falls off. But the concrete base course is normal and non-destructive, the direct reason is that the interface adhesion is insufficient. B. The epoxy floor paint coating is closely combined with the mortar on the surface of concrete base. The damage surface appears in the interior of concrete base, and the damage surface is located in the mortar plane of concrete base. This kind of failure generally occurs in a large area, the direct reason is that the tensile strength of concrete is insufficient.


Reasons for coating peeling off of epoxy floor paint:


1. Undertreatment of the base floor and unclean cleaning of oil, water-soluble substances and rust on the ground lead to no strong bond between epoxy primer and the base floor.


2. The interval between the treatment of foundation ground and the construction of epoxy floor paint is too long, which results in the appearance of dust impurities on the surface.


3. The water content of the base floor is too high. If the waterproof layer is not made, there will be the risk that the epoxy floor paint will fall off.


4. The surface of the base floor is too smooth. Without polishing and brushing treatment, the adhesion between the epoxy floor paint and the base layer is not enough, and the coating of the epoxy floor paint falls off.


5. The strength of cement ground is not enough, and it is powdered seriously. There is no solidification treatment for cement ground.


Construction of Floor Paint


Method of preventing large area peeling off of epoxy floor paint coating:


1. Oil and sundries on the ground must be cleaned up.


2. Waterproof layer must be made in basement and other places. New cement floor should be maintained for more than 28 days to ensure that moisture content is not higher than 8% before epoxy floor paint can be constructed.


3. The base floor must be polished and brushed with a grinder to enhance the adhesion between the epoxy floor paint coating and the ground.


4. After surface treatment, epoxy floor paint should be constructed in time. If the interval is too long, it should be cleaned up again.



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