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返回列表 来源: 浏览:443 发布日期:2019-06-01 20:35:40


The epoxy floor paint manufacturer reminds you that the construction of epoxy floor paint on marble floor is focused on polishing the surface of marble, because the surface of marble is relatively smooth, the direct construction of epoxy floor paint will lead to insufficient adhesion, easy to peel off in the later period, and the surface of marble must be polished before it can be used as epoxy floor paint. Generally speaking, the most common construction floor of epoxy floor paint is cement concrete floor, but some consumers have such doubts about whether marble floor can be used as epoxy floor paint. For this problem, epoxy floor paint manufacturers say that marble floor can be used as epoxy floor paint. 


Method of making epoxy floor paint on marble floor:


1. Surface treatment of marble: polishing and brushing the surface of marble to increase the adhesion between the floor coating and the ground.


2. Primer construction: After the epoxy sealing primer is matched, roll coating, scraping or brushing can make it fully wet marble and infiltrate into the inner layer of marble.


3. Medium-coated mortar construction: mix the medium-coated material with appropriate amount of quartz sand and mix evenly, and coat it with trowel to a certain thickness of smooth and compact layer.


4. Mid-coated putty batch repairing: use mid-coated material with quartz powder batch coating, fill the gap between larger particles in mid-coated, after fully solidified, use dust-free grinder to polish the ground, use vacuum cleaner to absorb dust, Polish flat.


5. Surface coating construction: After mixing epoxy paint and curing agent evenly, it can be sprayed, brushed, rolled or sprayed to make it level and obtain a smooth and uniform surface coating.


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