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The abrasion resistance of epoxy floor paint refers to the resistance to friction of the film after drying, that is, the ability to adhere to the film performance in case of mechanical damage. Wear resistance is an important characteristic of epoxy floor paint, so how to increase the wear resistance of epoxy floor paint? Generally speaking, the wear resistance of epoxy floor paint can be improved by increasing the coating thickness, surface varnish and wax.


1. Increasing Thickness


In order to save cost, many consumers usually choose the epoxy floor with one primer and two topcoats. The thickness of the epoxy floor is usually only 0.3-0.5mm. The wear resistance of the epoxy floor is poor. The thickness of the epoxy floor paint can be increased by scraping the mortar layer and middle putty layer. This can not only increase the wear resistance of the epoxy floor paint, but also increase the epoxy floor paint. Compressive properties. Recommended reading: Whether the Thicker the Epoxy Floor Paint is, the Better


2. Surface coating varnish


After finishing the epoxy floor paint, by rolling the polyurethane varnish over the surface, not only the smooth and bright film can be formed, the gloss of the epoxy floor paint can be improved, the film can be more bright and beautiful, but also the wear resistance of the epoxy floor paint can be improved.


3. Waxing


Regular waxing on the surface of epoxy floor paint can protect the epoxy floor paint, because the surface of the wax is hard, which can effectively prevent the grinding of the ground by fine gravel brought into the room outdoors, prevent the pollution of the ground caused by the black shoes and tire prints, and prevent the sculpture of the ground by hard objects.


Construction of Epoxy Floor Paint


Test methods for abrasion resistance of epoxy floor paint:


1. Apply epoxy floor paint on special round glass panels.


2. Fix the test plate on the working plate of the wear-resisting tester, add the specified load on the pressure arm, put down the vacuum nozzle, and adjust it to the sample board 1-1.5mm.


3. Turn on the switch and grind the sample for 50R (circle) to form a smooth surface.


4. Use a brush to gently wipe off debris and weigh it for the first time.


5. Adjust the counter according to the product standard. When the specified wear-resisting speed is reached, it will stop.



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