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返回列表 来源: 浏览:128 发布日期:2019-06-01 20:33:54


With the development of epoxy floor paint industry, more and more industries will choose to make epoxy floor paint, because it is seamless, beautiful and easy to clean, some consumers want to know whether it is possible to use epoxy floor paint for home decoration? For whether epoxy floor paint is suitable for home decoration, Guanglei floor paint manufacturers from environmental protection, cost, performance of these several. Let's analyze the following aspects: 


1. Environmental protection: epoxy floor paint materials can be used for home decoration, but the environmental protection performance of decorative materials is very high. Therefore, epoxy floor paint generally does not recommend the use of silly materials as diluent materials, it is best not to have diluent, it is recommended to choose solvent-free epoxy floor paint or water-borne epoxy floor paint. From the composition of epoxy floor paint materials, the pungent taste of epoxy floor paint comes from the addition of benzene diluents, diluents such as xylene, benzene solvents used in oily floor paint. The primary effect is to attack and evaporate with the floor paint, so that the floor paint solidifies into film, which makes many floor paint projects present a nasal taste.


Description of main components and toxicity of epoxy floor paint:


1. Primer: The epoxy resin and curing agent in solvent-free epoxy primer are toxic when they are alone, but the products of their mixed reaction are basically non-toxic.


2. Intermediate coating: quartz powder and quartz sand: the product of crushing and screening of natural minerals, the main component is silicon dioxide, which is basically non-toxic. The epoxy resin and curing agent used in solvent-free epoxy coating are toxic when they are alone, but the products of their mixed reaction are basically non-toxic.


3. Topcoat: 1. The epoxy resin and curing agent in solvent-free epoxy topcoat are toxic when they are alone, but the products of their mixed reaction are basically non-toxic.


(2) Some pigments and fillers contain toxic components such as heavy metals, such as chrome yellow, and some pigments and fillers are non-toxic, such as titanium dioxide, iron oxide red, iron oxide yellow, talc powder, quartz powder, etc. For non-toxic coatings after drying, non-toxic pigments and fillers can be used instead of pigments and fillers containing toxic substances such as heavy metals, so that the color of coatings is limited and the cost of some colors will increase.


(3) Auxiliaries: The amount of auxiliaries in the film is very small, and now the toxic auxiliaries are no longer used, so the effect of auxiliaries on the non-toxicity of the film is very small.


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