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返回列表 来源: 浏览:141 发布日期:2019-06-01 20:33:38


Consumers who have done epoxy floor paint should have such experience. When consulting with floor paint manufacturers, they will be asked how many times they intend to do, mainly because the thickness of floor paint is directly related to the service life and use effect of the whole floor. For flooring paint manufacturers, it is the only way to make high quality epoxy flooring paint, and it is also the key component to measure the professional level of a flooring paint manufacturer. 


According to the standard construction technology of epoxy floor paint, the epoxy floor coating is mainly divided into three coatings: primer coating, intermediate coating and surface coating. The amount of epoxy floor paint material is mainly calculated according to the basic ground condition, construction technology and engineering thickness. For the most commonly used concrete cement foundation floors, the amount of primer is basically 0.15kg/square. If the strength of cement foundation floors is not good enough to reach C25 or above, there will be sand and powder, and the floors will be uneven, the amount of epoxy primer will also increase. The amount of middle coating is 0.35 kg/square. The function of this layer is to leveling the ground and increasing the thickness. If the thickness of the project increases, the corresponding amount of material will also increase. The amount of surface coating is basically fixed (0.2 kg/square for thin coatings and 1 kg/square for self-flowing coatings).


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