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Almost all epoxy floor paints will involve the problem of marking after the completion of construction. This step of marking is often seen in parking lots and some workshops. Drawing lines is a complicated work, but it is also a very important step, which will have a certain impact on the construction of epoxy flooring. After the construction of epoxy floor paint, we often encounter places that need to be delineated, such as parking spaces in underground garages, workshop, etc. Different color zones are not only beautiful, but also can clearly distinguish the regional functions. So how can we delineate the lines when the epoxy floor paint is constructed? Here, Guanglei floor paint manufacturer will share with you the construction of floor paint delineation. Points for attention. 


1. Selection of painting methods for floor paint marking: The commonly used painting methods are spraying, brushing and dipping. We can choose suitable painting methods according to actual needs.


2. Points for attention in the marking of floor paint:


1. The surface of epoxy floor paint should be degreased, decontaminated and dusted. There should be no water, dust and oil stains. It should be kept dry.


2. Mix the road marking paint and diluent well and mix evenly.


3. Ground area division according to need;


4. Paste special color separation paper. Notes for pasting color separation paper: To achieve horizontal, vertical and beautiful pasting effect, when manual verification is not very good, you can use rulers and other tools to accurately measure. This step is the most difficult and critical step. The quality of the pasting effect directly affects the final painting effect.


5. Start painting. After the two sides of the color separation paper are pasted, the middle seam of the line is formed and painted. After finishing the painting, the color separation paper is torn off, and the final color separation effect can be presented. Attention should be paid to the width of the marking line, and the line should be straight.


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