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In the epoxy floor paint industry, there is a saying "three-component materials, seven-component construction". It means that in order to ensure the construction quality, we must understand and master the construction technology of epoxy floor paint, only in this way can we achieve the desired construction effect. In order to ensure that the construction effect of epoxy floor paint can meet our expectations, the following points need to be done well in the construction process: 


1. Quality Control of Foundation Ground Treatment before Epoxy Floor Paint Coating


According to the requirements of surface treatment of coated objects, scientific and effective treatment methods should be adopted to thoroughly remove grease scale, rust and impurities on the surface of coated objects to ensure that the surface of coated objects is clean and dry. Especially the surface roughness of the coating should be certain, which plays an important role in guaranteeing the quality of epoxy floor coating.


2. Quality Control in Construction


The construction technology of epoxy floor paint is very strict. After each construction, we should carefully observe the surface condition, whether the film is uniform, whether there are air holes, coarse grains, curing speed of the film, etc. Problems should be solved in time when they are found. It is necessary to operate strictly according to the thickness of each coating and curing conditions stipulated in the construction, so as to avoid quality accidents during the construction.


3. Final Quality Inspection


After the construction procedure of floor materials has been completed, the painting quality shall be inspected in accordance with the quality standards. The hardness, thickness, adhesion, surface state and gloss of the coating were measured. Effective remedial measures should be taken when defects such as bubbles, cracks, wrinkles and shrinkage holes are found in the coating, otherwise the protective purpose can not be achieved.


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