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当前位置:首页 > 技术知识 > 选择环氧地坪漆时为什么不能一昧的要求低价格


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Many companies choose epoxy floor paint blindly consider the price, in order to reduce the cost of procurement, the use of solvent-based epoxy floor paint with xylene, do not know that solvent-based unqualified industrial floor paint is very harmful. It is known that benzene poisoning refers to poisoning caused by inhaling benzene vapor through the respiratory tract or contacting benzene with skin. There are acute and chronic points. Acute benzene poisoning mainly produces anesthetic effects on the central nervous system, coma and muscle convulsions; high concentrations of benzene on the skin irritation. Chronic exposure to benzene at low concentrations can cause chronic benzene poisoning and hematopoietic disorders. 劣质的溶剂型环氧地坪漆甚至可能长年累月的散发出有害物质,尽量使用环保水性高性能环氧地坪材料,例如某某公司生产可以媲美油性漆的性能,硬度更好,耐磨性更强,并且表面光滑平整,有亮光,半光,亚光及多种颜色可供选择,另外可做防滑地面、哑光或高光地面,其由于以水为稀释剂,清新、无毒、无异味,使得在空气不流通的工作环境里,人们也不会有不舒服的感觉。环保水性高性能重庆地坪漆材料是好工厂地坪材料的必然选择。

Poor solvent-based floor paints may even emit harmful substances over the years. Use environmentally friendly water-based high-performance floor materials as much as possible. For example, a certain company produces coatings with comparable performance, better hardness, stronger wear resistance, smooth surface, bright, semi-glossy, Matt and a variety of colors to choose from. In addition, it can be used as non-slip floor, matte or high-gloss floor, because of water as a diluent, fresh, non-toxic, odor-free, making the work environment in the air is not circulating, people will not feel uncomfortable. Environmentally friendly waterborne high performance Chongqing floor paint material is an inevitable choice for good factory floor materials.


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