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当前位置:首页 > 技术知识 > 环氧砂浆地坪漆适用于哪种地面


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Different floor types and applicability determine the type of floor. The design of ground coatings must be in line with the strength design of soil base and meet the use function. For example, the second storey, no forklift truck, usually cargo-based, such low performance requirements, mainly decorative requirements. 不使用重庆环氧砂浆环氧地坪,即可满足环氧树脂地坪(环氧地坪漆)的要求.

Without using Chongqing epoxy mortar floor, the epoxy floor (epoxy floor paint) requirements can be met.


If the floor bearing or forklift passageway, such as epoxy resin mortar floor is better, epoxy floor paint is mainly more than the second layer of epoxy flat coated floor paint, epoxy mortar, while increasing the thickness of floor paint, its wear resistance and use will increase, basically 1 mm 2 mm epoxy mortar walking 1 ton 3 tons forklift truck and car rubber tire use You can, as far as possible, prevent sharp scratches.


Certainly, some wires have specific performance requirements, such as pharmaceuticals and video screens. These industries require clean and sterile surface coatings, food hygiene requirements, etc. GMP Pharmaceutical Factory uses epoxy self-leveling floor paint, acrylic resin floor, also can be used in epoxy resin floor construction, epoxy colored sand floor, epoxy anti-skid floor.


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