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当前位置:首页 > 技术知识 > 无锡环氧地坪漆的性能优势和适用范围


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Every commodity has its own characteristics. Of course, different manufacturers of the same commodity have different characteristics. Therefore, everyone has his own brand, regardless of price and quality, which is suitable for his own brand. After all, a person is a way of using it. So it is also directly related to some characteristics of the commodity itself. So for epoxy land. What are the characteristics of the products of the lacquer manufacturers? 对于无锡环氧地坪 来说在使用的过程中一定要注意的就是电压问题,我们平时使用的电压都是二百二十伏特的,但是这种电力调整器的特点就是要使用三百八十伏特的电压,不过通常情况下对于一些特殊的电压,都是可以进行定制的。

For epoxy floor paint, we must pay attention to the voltage problem in the process of use. The voltage we usually use is 220 volts, but the characteristic of this kind of power regulator is to use 380 volts, but usually for some special voltage, it can be customized.


For the epoxy floor paint manufacturers can customize the characteristics of this epoxy floor paint is very good, to meet the requirements of many customers, in addition, for various types of instrumentation are applicable, which is also an advantage of epoxy floor paint, and whether domestic or foreign.


Another feature that everyone cares about is the relatively high cost performance ratio, which also attracts many customers, and even if there is only one epoxy floor paint, which trigger boards can be better controlled.


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