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In previous articles, we analyzed the reasons for the discoloration of epoxy floors. Today, let's talk about the prevention of discoloration of epoxy floors. What measures can prevent the discoloration of epoxy floors? Does the paint of epoxy floors need uniform mixing? Some of the pigments in the pigments will undergo chemical changes, lose the inherent dyeing power of the pigments, and cause discoloration or discoloration. Blue or green paint containing iron blue will fade during storage, but the pigments exposed to air will gradually recover after construction. 1、环氧地坪在施工前应充分搅拌均匀。

1. The epoxy floor should be fully stirred uniformly before construction.


The density of several pigments in multicolor paint is different. Heavy pigments gradually sink in storage and light pigments gradually float. If they are not stirred evenly enough, they will not match the original color after construction.


2. Metal pigments should be separated from varnishes.


Metal powder pigments will turn black and green when they are stored and corroded by residual free acids in the paint.


3. Coatings with high acid value should not be packed in iron drums.


The varnish with higher acid value is easy to react with iron packaging barrel, and the transparency of the varnish decreases and the color becomes darker.


4. Choose resin and pigments in paint formulation according to need.


The light and heat resistance of some pigments in coatings are not good. Some resins have poor weather resistance and are easily yellowed when exposed to light.


5. In the formulation design of coatings, attention should be paid to the absence of pigments that can react with resins or additives. It is strictly forbidden to mix two different types of coatings with mixed coloring without experimenting in construction.


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