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当前位置:首页 > 技术知识 > 环氧地坪寿命长短的影响因素包括什么?


返回列表 来源: 浏览:103 发布日期:2018-11-5 15:46:10


There are many factors affecting the life of epoxy floor paint. The epoxy floor paint manufacturer summarizes the following factors for your reference. We can according to these factors to carry out the corresponding maintenance work, so as to better extend the life of epoxy flooring! 1. How about the quality and varieties of epoxy floor? The quality of epoxy floor is the main factor to determine its life, because the life of epoxy floor with different quality, different types and different materials is not the same, such as epoxy resin thin coated floor, epoxy resin pressure-resistant mortar floor, epoxy resin self-leveling floor and so on. Of course, each has its own advantages and disadvantages, so when we want to use epoxy flooring, we must choose the right one for ourselves.


2, the use of epoxy floor? Daily use of epoxy flooring will cause some wear and tear, so we must mainly use some matters, not heavy pressure, not to use corrosive things, various forklifts, hydraulic trucks, etc.


3, the last is the maintenance of epoxy floor. The service life of epoxy floor is longer and the maintenance work can not be less. Avoiding sharp things scratching the surface of the floor, regular maintenance and cleaning are all ways to prolong the service life of the epoxy floor. 


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