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返回列表 来源: 浏览:150 发布日期:2019-07-31 09:23:18


The reason why epoxy floor coatings are more popular than other floor coatings is not only because they are more durable than other floor coatings, but also because the safety of epoxy floor coatings is higher and the harm to human body is much less. So, epoxy floor paint is safer than other floor coatings. What are the manifestations? In the production process of epoxy floor paint, resin solutions, solvents, pigments and fillers can affect human tissues through inhalation or skin contact. The production of epoxy floor paint mainly uses hydrophilic substances, limiting the use of lipophilic substances, so the risk of skin redness and inflammation caused by fat dissolution has been greatly reduced. Skin and clothes that touch paint can be removed by simple cleaning with soap and water. However, if exposed to a component alone, it may still be harmed, which is the same as traditional paints, so be careful, for example, when adding amine, you need to be very careful, because its toxicity is greater than that of ordinary solvents. 


Epoxy floor paint experts tell you these little common sense, we hope you should take the same protective measures when contacting solvents, which is known to every paint engineer, and this also shows the greatest advantage of water-based paint, its organic solvent content is much lower than solvent paint, so epoxy floor paint should maintain the threshold value.( TLV) It's easy. Similarly, the storage risk of epoxy floor coatings is much less, so there is no high requirement for the safety of storage.


Unlike other traditional paints, epoxy floor paints are not classified as harmful to health. As long as the general principles are followed, the hazards and health hazards of epoxy floor paints are much smaller than those of traditional paints. The main reason is that the content of solvents has been greatly reduced, and the dangers and hazards of paint are precisely from the solvents contained in it. But that alone is not enough to allow us to use water-diluted paints indiscriminately, especially to ignore some of the risks that still exist. If the ventilation is insufficient, the paint mist produced during spraying will be inhaled. Lacquer mist builds up in the lungs and produces cements. Because the composition of epoxy floor paint is very complex, such cementation is not conducive to anyone's health. Similarly, the components of epoxy floor paint can also be absorbed into human tissues through the skin, so it is necessary to protect the skin from contact with water-soluble resin paint. Although water-diluted paint is relatively safe in occupational health, attention should be paid to wearing protective masks when spraying and gloves when filling and diluting. In this way, indoor and outdoor decoration can be considered as a complete protection measures.


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