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How about Anti-Corrosive Epoxy Floor paint? What are the construction procedures of Anti-Corrosive Epoxy Floor paint? There are many kinds of floor paint, which are widely used in daily life. Among them, anticorrosive floor paint is a relatively environmentally friendly paint. So, what are the advantages of anticorrosive epoxy floor paint? How about anticorrosive floor paint? Construction process of anticorrosive epoxy floor paint

1. 用防腐环氧地坪漆铺出来的地面耐强酸、强碱等腐蚀性溶剂,可以经受叉车、卡车等重车长期碾压。

1. Ground coated with Anti-Corrosive Epoxy Floor paint can withstand long-term rolling of forklifts, trucks and other heavy trucks with strong acid and alkali-resistant corrosive solvents.

2. 防腐环氧地坪漆粘结度强、抗拉裂,有提高热变形温度,降低温冲击强度的作用,值得一提的是防腐环氧地坪漆还能够很好的提高基体的强度与弹性。

2. Anti-corrosive epoxy floor paint has strong cohesion and tensile crack resistance. It can improve the thermal deformation temperature and reduce the impact strength. It is worth mentioning that anti-corrosive floor paint can also improve the strength and elasticity of the matrix.

3. 防腐环氧地坪漆无毒无味非常环保。

3. Antiseptic epoxy floor paint is non-toxic, odorless and environmentally friendly.


Construction process of anticorrosive epoxy floor paint

防腐环氧地坪漆怎么样 防腐环氧地坪漆施工流程

How about Anti-corrosive Epoxy Floor Paint Construction Process

1. 防腐环氧地坪漆施工之前,作业工人必须认真阅读相关资料,尤其是地坪漆涂料体系当中的涂装工艺文件,要深入的理解并且掌握涂装配套,并且要仔细阅读所选用地坪漆产品附带的说明书及其施工指导文件。

1. Before the construction of Anti-Corrosive Epoxy Floor paint, the workers must read the relevant materials carefully, especially the coating process documents in the floor paint system, understand and master the coating assembly sets, and carefully read the instructions and construction guidance documents attached to the selected floor paint products.

2. 防腐环氧地坪漆一般都是检验合格以后封装的涂料类产品,施工的时候禁止将不同品种、不同型号、不同生产厂家的产品混在一起使用,以免影响施工后的质量。

2. Anti-corrosive epoxy floor paint is usually encapsulated paint products after qualified inspection. It is prohibited to mix products of different varieties, models and manufacturers during construction to avoid affecting the quality after construction.

3. 被喷涂的地面基层必须提前清理干净,并且需要通过报检并确认表面处理等级,表面的清洁度,粗糙度等是否合格,合格以后才可以进行防腐地坪漆的喷涂作业。

3. The sprayed ground base must be cleaned up in advance, and the surface treatment grade, surface cleanliness, roughness and other qualifications need to be checked and confirmed. Only after the qualifications can the spraying operation of anticorrosive floor paint be carried out.

4. 施工之前还需要确认一下施工现场环境是否达标,主要测量一下温度以及相对湿度等指标是否符合技术标准。

4. Before the construction, it is necessary to confirm whether the environment of the construction site meets the standards, and mainly measure whether the temperature and relative humidity meet the technical standards.

5. 以上信息全部确认无误以后再次检查即将使用的防腐地坪漆的型号、批号、色号、数量等是否正确,如果要使用双组份地坪漆需要特别注意,固化剂和基料的混合比例、混合时间以及固化剂的类型,要正确使用稀释剂,施工的同时随时注意施工环境内的温度,相对湿度,要随着环境温湿度的变化而随时调整地坪漆的施工粘度,防止出现干喷或是流挂等现象。

5. After all the above information is confirmed, check again whether the type, batch number, colour number and quantity of the anticorrosive floor paint to be used are correct. If you want to use the two-component floor paint, special attention should be paid to the mixing ratio of curing agent and base material, mixing time and type of curing agent. At the same time, we should pay attention to the temperature and relative humidity in the construction environment at any time, and adjust the construction viscosity of floor paint at any time with the change of temperature and humidity in the environment, so as to prevent the phenomenon of dry spraying or hanging.

6. 防腐地坪漆各涂装工序的时间间隔,要严格遵守地坪漆涂料产品说明书上规定的重涂时间间隔,千万不可自行延长或是缩短,以免影响后期地面的质量以及使用寿命。

6. The time interval of each painting process of anti-corrosive floor paint should strictly abide by the time interval of re-painting stipulated in the product specifications of floor paint, and must not be prolonged or shortened by oneself, so as to avoid affecting the quality and service life of the later floor.

7. 如果使用的是双组份地坪漆,每次调配的数量一定要同工作量、地坪漆涂料的混合使用时间以及施工人力、人员的作业班次等相适应,混合比例要准确,按体积比混合加入,不可一次性调配过多,以免造成涂料的浪费,或是地面的质量隐患。


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