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返回列表 来源: 浏览:396 发布日期:2019-07-10 11:28:35


The best use time of epoxy floor paint after construction is 7 days, which can make the floor have a curing time, and also can make the odor diffuse. Many people have the same question: how long will it take for epoxy floor paint to be used after construction? If you are not in a hurry to use the epoxy floor paint after construction, it is recommended that you use it after 7 days while maintaining a good indoor ventilation environment. If you buy an odorless epoxy floor paint, the merchant tells you that it can be used after construction, and do not use it immediately, because the epoxy floor paint has a maintenance period. Usually 7 days, which is basically the volatilization period of toxic substances, when the use of harmful to human health!


Construction of Epoxy Floor Paint


In decoration construction, a large number of decorative materials should be used, most of which are chemically synthesized materials. There are volatile components. Therefore, the room after construction will have a certain chemical odor. The epoxy floor paint will be used as soon as the construction is completed, which is not good for human body. It should be aired for a few days until the odor is basic. Eliminate reuse.


Construction of Epoxy Floor Paint

一般最少应晾置三日,晾置期间,应保证空气流通,避免雨淋及暴晒。如果室内使用环氧地坪漆,时间应适当延长,一般是7天。在涂刷环氧地坪的房间,由于没有气味,完工后待面层干透即可使用。另外也需要注意使用的时间以不让环氧地坪过久的晾置为好,过久的晾置,会由于气 候的变化,导致装饰面的变化,造成不必要的损失。


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