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The whitening of epoxy floor paint in water refers to the foggy appearance on the surface of the coating during the drying process, which results in the decrease of gloss and directly affects the decorative effect of the epoxy floor paint. Therefore, in order to ensure the quality of the project, it is necessary to eliminate the phenomenon of rainwater whitening of epoxy floor paint. Next, epoxy floor paint manufacturers will share with you the reasons for the whitening of epoxy floor paint in water, preventive measures and solutions. The main reasons for the whitening of epoxy floor paint in the presence of water are as follows: 1、施工周围环境湿度过大,导致空气中的水分直接进人涂层。

1. The ambient humidity around the construction is too high, which causes the moisture in the air to enter directly into the coating.


2. When the air temperature is low and the humidity is high, the solvent evaporation rate in the coating will cause the surface temperature of the coating to drop sharply. It is easy to make the moisture in the air condense on the coating surface into water and immerse in the coating. As a result, the foggy whitening will occur, and this kind of whitening will be called "wet whitening".


3. Because the volatilization of real solvent in coatings is faster than that of diluents, some resins in coatings precipitate into white precipitation, which makes the coatings white. This kind of whitening is called "resin whitening".


In order to avoid the whitening of epoxy floor paint in water, the following three points should be done well:


1. Raise the temperature of painting construction environment and reduce the humidity of air.


2. The boiling points of real solvents and diluents should be properly increased in coatings.


3. In accordance with the construction technology of epoxy floor paint, ensure that the construction environment temperature is between 10-30 degrees Celsius. Too low or too high will affect the reaction process of floor paint, resulting in poor curing.


When the whitening of epoxy floor paint occurs, the following measures can be taken to improve it:


1. Increase the drying temperature of the coating properly, and use infrared radiator to dry the coating when conditions permit, so that the moisture evaporates from the coating.


2. Gently brush a thin layer of true solvent on the whitening part of the coating to dissolve the resin precipitated from the coating into a continuous coating, or to make the water vapor in the coating volatilize freely.


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