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返回列表 来源: 浏览:89 发布日期:2019-2-11 15:28:42


The use of epoxy floor paint is becoming more and more widespread, and it is gradually recognized and welcomed by the market. Nowadays, no matter factory, workshop, parking lot, hospital or family decoration, epoxy floor paint is indispensable. Before epoxy floor paint is not recognized and accepted by everyone, floor tiles are usually chosen for decoration. Nowadays, which floor tile is more economical and practical than the epoxy floor? Objectively speaking, the epoxy floor and floor tiles are used on the ground. Both of them play the role of decoration and protection. Only that the epoxy floor is used more in industry and the floral tiles are used more in family decoration. However, floor tiles have a great disadvantage of functionality, which is poor in load-bearing, wear resistance, dust-proof, anti-static and so on, but only from the simple decorative effect. 


But the epoxy floor paint is different, the color of epoxy floor paint is diverse, the choice space is very large, and because of its special construction technology, the whole is strong, unlike ceramic tile with many cracks, not only is it easy to breed bacteria and dust, but also is not easy to clean. The cleanliness of floor tile is better than that of floor tile, and it is also easier to clean.


Epoxy floor and floor tiles are also superior in service life. Epoxy floor has a long and wear-resistant life. Once the floor tiles are damaged, they need to be replaced completely, while the floor does not need to be repaired later. When the floor is worn or scratched, small areas can be repaired. If the area is large, it needs to be re-rolled and brushed once. 。 Customers who have done floor tile decoration should know that the price of floor tile is not cheap, and a room decoration is also a lot of cost.


These views are obvious that epoxy flooring is more economical and applicable, for ordinary people, economic application is the absolute truth, but the use of epoxy flooring will be a trend.


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