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返回列表 来源: 浏览:93 发布日期:2018-11-5 15:41:52


Concrete soil seal curing agent, also known as osmotic ground hardening agent, is an environmentally friendly water-based agent. Because many cement concrete floors are not wear-resistant, pressure-resistant, durable, and time-consuming, cement floors are easy to be ashed and sanded, and the ground can not bear the overload of forklift trucks, cargo, etc. It is easy to cause ground deformation, cracking and other phenomena, which can not meet the requirements of the use environment. After using concrete sealing and curing agent, the performance of the ground has been greatly improved, so when encountering the above ground problems, concrete sealing and curing agent will come into use. At present, the Fivastine Gold Steel Concrete Sealing Curing Agent, which has obtained the patent authorization of concrete sealant, is the most authoritative product in the market of concrete sealant curing agent. 例如:

For example:


1. The epoxy floor can be treated with a professional grinder to expose the original concrete or cement floor before the construction of concrete sealant and curing agent.


2. Abrasion-resistant floors, terrazzo floors and cement floors can be directly re-used as concrete sealing and curing agents after surface treatment.


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