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当前位置:首页 > 技术知识 > 环氧地坪漆施工后起皮的原因及解决办法


返回列表 来源: 浏览:148 发布日期:2018-11-1 10:45:39

环氧地坪漆施工后起皮的原因:被涂物表面太光滑;被涂物表面应打磨或经化学处理。旧漆面应重新打磨处理;环氧地坪漆配套不适当;通过试验选择配套性良好的涂料品种及改用“湿碰湿”工艺.或增加中间涂层;在底漆未干透之前就罩面漆或清漆.漆膜易发生开裂或脱落,一般应在底漆完全干透后再罩面漆;在潮湿或霉染的物面上涂装.使漆与底材附着不良;砖石、水泥等物面应充分干燥和除去霉染物后再涂装施工;涂膜太厚,由于表层已干透.而底层干得慢或未干透.;在干燥过程中由于面漆收缩过甚而引起开裂脱落 施工中应注意每道漆的漆膜不宜太厚

Reasons for peeling of epoxy floor paint after application: the surface of the coating is too smooth; the surface of the coating should be polished or chemically treated. Old paint surface should be re-polished; epoxy floor paint matching is inappropriate; through the test to select a good matching type of paint and use the "wet touch wet" process, or increase the intermediate coating; before the primer is dry through the overcoat or varnish. Painting on wet or mildew-stained surfaces. Poor adhesion between paint and substrate; surface of masonry, cement, etc. should be dried sufficiently and mildew-stained materials removed before painting; the film is too thick, because the surface has dried thoroughly; and the bottom dried slowly or not dried thoroughly. Paint film should not be too thick. 一、环氧地坪施工人员的过失或者是施工人员的经验不足

1. The fault of the builders of the epoxy floor or the lack of experience of the construction personnel.


1. The surface treatment before painting is not very good. Oil, wax, water vapor, dust and chemicals are on the surface of the coating, or the interval between surface pretreatment and painting is too long.


2. Excessive smoothness of the coated surface without targeted treatment or selection of targeted primer materials.


3. Cover the finish or varnish before the primer is dry. The coating will easily crack or fall off.


4. Coating film is too thick, because the surface has dried through, and the bottom dried slowly or not thoroughly, in the drying process due to excessive shrinkage of the top paint caused cracking and shedding;


5. The construction environment temperature is high, the painting distance (spraying) is big, the diluent volatilizes quickly, causes the floor paint film not to flow flat, causes the paint film to appear the wrinkled orange peel phenomenon. In order to accelerate the drying of film, too much addition of drier will cause wrinkling of epoxy floor paint film. Avoid construction at high temperature, or strengthen ventilation, reduce the construction environment temperature, adjust the spray distance, properly add slow-drying solvent, reduce the amount of drier, is to avoid and overcome the floor paint film wrinkling.


6. Primer surface is not completely dry, or curing agent content is insufficient, floor paint film cross-linking insufficient topcoat or multi-coating, that is, wrinkle underbite. The use of nitrolacquers or waterborne lacquers with high polymer content as primers, due to the low content of PVC, also causes the re-coated topcoat undercut. If the topcoat uses a lot of slow drying ketones and other strong solvents, it will make the epoxy floor paint easy to bite.


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