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For heavy industry machinery processing enterprises, it is very important to choose the industrial epoxy floor when building a new factory building, because heavy industry machinery factory building often needs to walk large trucks, forklifts, as well as goods towing, tool impact, equipment vibration, oil infiltration, iron scrap wear and tear, and so on, so the floor has high strength and resistance. Wear and tear, pressure protection impact, anti-seepage, clean ground, no ash and no sand, easy maintenance, long service life and other requirements, if the ground is not solid, it will be broken in three years and two years, but also to re-repair, which is time-consuming, laborious and costly. So what kind of epoxy floor is suitable for heavy industrial machinery plants? 针对重工业机械厂房环氧地坪的功能需求,建议选择环氧砂浆环氧地坪、金刚砂耐磨地坪密封固化剂地坪

According to the functional requirement of floor of heavy industry machinery workshop, epoxy mortar floor, diamond wear-resistant floor and sealant floor are recommended.


1, epoxy mortar floor


Epoxy mortar floor is a kind of high wear-resistant and compression-resistant floor made of epoxy mortar and epoxy topcoat. It is a floor system which specializes in solving the ground protection problems of heavy machinery manufacturing enterprises, such as factory buildings, industrial and commercial warehouses, underground parking lots and so on.

环氧砂浆地坪的特点就是耐冲击、耐重压,机械性能佳,而且外观平整亮丽、色彩多样, 无接缝、便于清洁、维护方便。因此,非常适合重工业机械厂房地坪。但是重庆环氧砂浆地坪美中不足的是容易被尖锐物品划伤。

Epoxy mortar floor is characterized by impact resistance, resistance to heavy pressure, good mechanical properties, and the appearance of smooth and bright, colorful, seamless, easy to clean, easy to maintain. Therefore, it is very suitable for the floor of heavy industrial machinery plant. However, the Chongqing epoxy mortar floor is not perfect because it is prone to scratches by sharp objects.


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