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当前位置:首页 > 技术知识 > 环氧地坪基面平整度超出范围该如何解决


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How to solve the problem that the floor roughness of epoxy floor is out of range? Epoxy floor paint is a protective film on the ground, it has high adhesion and load resistance, and has both toughness and wear resistance, credentials bright, cost-effective, easy to clean and so on. The thickness of epoxy floor paint varies from 0.5 to 5 mm. It is a very thin layer compared with cement concrete, so its compressive strength and flatness are primarily dependent on the concrete base. 一般来说,做环氧环氧地坪漆需求基面平坦度在2m规模之内,选用2m的靠尺进行丈量,而且落差不能超过2mm。

Generally speaking, the flatness of the base surface required for epoxy floor paint is within 2m scale, and 2m scale is selected for measurement, and the drop can not exceed 2m M.


If flatness is not up to standard, please refer to the following solutions:


The drop is less than 5mm


1, grinding. Use the grinding machine to polish the highest point parallel to the low point.


2, sand scraping. Epoxy mortar equal thickness flooring is suitable for this way. In the middle coating construction, in the sand scraping process, the floor paint and quartz sand are mixed, filling the concrete base surface, to complete the leveling effect.


The drop is greater than 5mm


If the base surface drop is greater than 5mm, it is necessary to use a grinder to take photos. On the concrete foundation with a drop of more than 5mm, the cement mortar layer of 3-5cm is constructed from scratch, and the light from scratch is collected to find the best leveling.


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