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当前位置:首页 > 技术知识 > 什么原因导致施工环氧砂浆地坪难于调配颜色


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In the construction of epoxy mortar floors, it is often encountered that the mortar is not colorful, and the amount of pigment in the formulation is too large to make the paint film present the required color, or even can not show the color at all. The cause of this problem is the phenomenon of pigment transfer in mortar. Migration refers to the transfer of pigments from the paint film to the surface of the paint film or another material in contact with it. The migration of pigment often results in color leakage or floating color. The migration of pigments is mainly related to the properties of the film, the kinds and dosage of the pigments, the physical and chemical state of the pigments in the film and the environment of the film. Generally speaking, the greater migration of pigment, the poor migration resistance of paint film. The migration resistance is an important performance index of color film. If the migration resistance of the film is poor, it will change color in the course of use, thus affecting the coating effect. If it is serious, it will damage the physical and chemical properties of the film.


Because the quartz sand and other particles in the epoxy mortar floor are coarse, the solvent can make the fluidity of the pigment in the paint very large, resulting in the migration of the pigment in the uncured film. The pigment moves to the base layer, so that there is no pigment distribution on the surface of the paint film, so the paint film is difficult to color. The solution to this problem is to increase the amount of powder used in the coating. However, excessive addition of powders may adversely affect the fluidity of the paint and the physical and mechanical properties of the film. If the amount of titanium dioxide can not be increased within a reasonable range, it can be solved by adding titanium dioxide. Adding titanium dioxide properly in the paint can eliminate the migration of pigment in the construction of epoxy mortar floor, and achieve the required color matching requirements.


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